
New on Passport: Dispatches’ list of expat-oriented career fairs in Europe (updated)

Most expats come over because their company already has a job waiting for them upon arrival, along with a place to call home, and all of their paperwork handled. Other expats — new grads, digital nomads, freelancers, and Dispatches Europe‘s own founders, for example — carve out their own career path on their way to success.

And then, there are those who come over looking to start a new career.

Maybe they’re a trailing spouse who finally can begin to work after going through the bureaucracy to be allowed to work in the first place. Perhaps the digital nomad lifestyle isn’t working out, and they need more stability in their career.

If you’re looking for a new career for any reason, then our list of expat-oriented career fairs is the one you’ll need to bookmark. And as you’ll note, the Netherlands is the most aggressive country in Europe when it comes to pursuing highly skilled internationals.

If you happen to know of an expat-oriented career fair that we should know about, please contact either Cameron, Terry or Cheryl at [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected].

You can also leave us a message on our Facebook page.

• November

Amsterdam Tech Job Fair Autumn 2018: This is an event for everyone – experienced job searchers, students and interns – in a city that is packed with multinationals and tech companies such as Adyen and

This is part of the Tech Meetups series, so it’s free for job-seekers while employers pick up the tab.

You can apply here.

Naturejobs Career Expo Düsseldorf: This is a career fair for scientists –  from graduates to research fellows. On 16 November, Naturejobs puts you in front of reps from national and international employers from academic institutions and scientific industries who have actual positions to fill.

Companies/institutes include:

The Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron

INC Research (Syneos Health)

ShanghaiTech University

Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Syncom Healthcare

The event is free and you can register here.

ASML Career Day in Eindhoven: This one is for all the expat engineering students in Europe. On 22 November, ASML, the company that makes the semiconductor industry possible, open its doors from 14:45 till 20:00 to engineering graduates “for a peek into the world of technological evolution.” Right now, ASML owns an 85 share of the photolithography market – and by extension – the computer chip market. It sells room-sized machines that go for about 60 million euros per copy.

But ASML execs are working hard to figure out the next iteration of computing. So if you’re into photonics or quantum computing, this could be your ticket.

The deadline for registration for the ASML Career Day 2018 is Wednesday 5 November, and you will receive a response on 7 November.

You can apply here.

KPMG Recruitment Event Luxembourg City: The global accounting firm’s next recruitment event will take place on the 22 and 23 November. If you are looking for your first job in Audit, IT Audit or Tax … stay tuned! Registrations will open soon.

You can apply here for:

– Junior Auditor:
– Junior IT Auditor:
– Tax Adviser:

Boston Consulting Group at various locations in Europe – BCG gets great ratings as a place to work. And this shows why: BCG is holding its Celebrate Diversity in the Group workshops on 29 and 30 November in Berlin. This isn’t – strictly speaking – a job fair or recruitment event, but it could be a great way to get your foot in the door. This is LGBTQ + event in Berlin is a two-day workshop where you help develop diversity strategy for schools in Berlin and Brandenburg.

You can apply here.

BCG has a number of actual recruitment events across Europe including BCG for PhDs coming up 8 November in Amsterdam and a non-business recruiting event 29 November in Zurich for all students who don’t have MBAs or biz degrees.

SAP Day @ Waldorf Headquarters, Germany– Europe’s largest software company is having an English-language recruitment event for grads and early stage execs. The 30 November event is at SAP’s HQ in Walldorf, south of Heidleberg.

You can register here.

• 2019

Rome International Careers Festival:

This multi-event international festival put on by a non-profit organization – Giovani nel Mondo – is scheduled for 9 thru 12 March next year in Rome. It includes several career modules as well as a model U.N.

The website is in Alale (a language a lot like English) but from what we can gather, there will be a couple of days when students and young talent (up to 30 years old) can meet with companies and NGOs.

Open to the public for the 2 days out of 4 of the Festival, the Fair offers circa 60,000 young people the opportunity to meet 200 exhibitors and interact face-to-face with officers of International Organisations, representatives of the most important NGOs in Italy and the world, HR reps of prestigious multinational companies, representatives of top universities and business schools within Italy and the world.

You can see more information here.

Connecticum in Berlin: Scheduled for 14 thru 16 May next year, this is one of the biggest career events in Europe:

3 days, 400 top companies, 25,000 jobs for students and graduates. Maybe more if Europe’s economic boom continues.

• internships, student jobs, bachelor / master theses, trainee programs, direct entry
• Top employers for students, graduates and young professionals
• spontaneous job interview
• direct contacts, personal exchange, concrete feedback
• Free admission for students and graduates

Pretty much every large German company and a whole lot of multinationals show up for this.

You can register here.

Lifestyle journalist. Born in Louisville. Raised in Kansas. Where I lay my head is home.

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