
Mónica Da Silva: My Top 5 Christmas markets in Lisbon

It’s that magical time of the year again and my absolute favorite thing to do during this month is going to Christmas markets and drinking some mulled wine or hot chocolate. I’ve already checked several Christmas markets in Lisbon and I feel that this year it’s particularly exciting because last year there were some markets, but with COVID restrictions, it was hard to fully enjoy the experience.

I must admit I love giving and receiving gifts and have become more aware of where my money goes during the last few years.

Instead of throwing money at some huge companies, Christmas markets are the perfect place to support the local producers, artists and artisans.

So, make sure to check the markets I’ve included in this post if you still haven’t bought your Christmas presents. 

Wonderland Lisboa

Parque Eduardo VII – from now to 1January

Wonderland Lisboa is without a doubt the biggest Christmas event in Lisbon and probably in Portugal. It’s their 7th edition this year and there are tons of food trucks, market stalls, concerts, workshops, plays and activities for children and families. If you live in Lisbon, you probably have already seen the ferris wheel which is just one of the many attractions they have. There’s also an ice skating rink and Santa’s Kingdom where children can explore the village and even interact with Santa Claus. 

Sintra’s Christmas Kingdom and market 

Terreiro da Rainha Dona Amélia – from now till 6 January

Year after year, Sintra keeps organizing one of the greatest Christmas events during December. This year the Christmas Kingdom will be open from 1 December to 6 January, which is longer than usual. Their program includes concerts, plays, circus, parades and special activities for children. There will also be a train leaving from Parque da Liberdade at 6 p.m. that goes round the whole area and it’s for free! 

Feliz Almada

Praça da Liberdade – from now till 18 December

Most of the things Almada organizes have the characteristic of being eco-conscious and their Christmas market is no exception. You can expect to find an amazing earth-friendly market with a wide range of artisans, artists, designers and agricultors offering their products. The programme with activities such as workshops, plays and concerts will last until January but the market will only be open from 8 December till the 18th.

Christmas Enchanted Palace

Palácio Marquês de Pombal – 17 and 18 December

Oeiras municipality will be having a shorter Christmas event, only for a weekend but it will be very special because of its location. The Marquês de Pombal palace will be full of lights, snow and Christmas decorations. There will also be food stalls, workshops, plays, concerts and movies. The event’s theme this year is fairytales and it’s aimed at families with children although everyone is welcome! Alice in Wonderland, Rapunzel and Little Red Riding Hood are some of the fairytales you will be able to experience in this magical place. 

Vila Natal de Cascais

Parque Marechal Carmona – from now to 6 January

One of the downsides when comparing this to other Christmas events is that the entrance to this one is not free, but all types of entrances are under 10 euros, which is quite alright for all the wonderful things they offer. There is an ice skating rink, a little train to take you around the village, Santa’s house where children can speak and take pictures with him and a postbox to drop your letters and wishes. 


See more posts by Mónica here.

See more Christmas market posts here in Dispatches’ archives.

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Mónica da Silva is half-Venezuelan, half Portuguese and has lived in Venezuela, Portugal, Spain and Germany. She has studied linguistics and has a Bachelor’s Degree in European Studies. Besides contributing to Dispatches, she works remotely as an English teacher, which allows her to be on the move as often as she wants. 

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