(Editor’s note: This was posted originally on LinkedIn, part of our early content test. It’s reposted here with updated information.) Expat life...
British travelers may be worried these days about losing those nifty, emblazoned, burgundy-colored European Union-approved passports … or worse, someone stealing them....
(Editor’s note: This post has been updated with news about Farfetch. It was originally posted in April.) Good news coming for expat...
(Editor’s note: This story was originally part of our test content on LinkedIn. We’re reposting it here with updates. We’ll have future...
Credit card fees on foreign transactions … they’re the bane of expats, techpats and pretty much anyone who travels overseas regularly. The...
(Editor’s note: You know what? We needed a break from writing about Brexit and expats. Well, at least until later today.) George Clooney, Johnny...
(Editor’s note: This was originally posted in March. But with the United Kingdom’s Brexit vote on Friday, 24 June, this post suddenly became...
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