(Editor’s note: Americans have many comfortable retirement options in Europe. We’ve done some of your legwork for you with our Retire in...
(Editor’s note: This was originally posted in March. But with the United Kingdom’s Brexit vote on Friday, 24 June, this post suddenly became...
Among the first things most American expats notice about life in Europe is not only how many more retail offerings there are...
Once they get over the shock of tax rates and the health care scheme, a lot of expats decide the quality of...
(Editor’s note: Selling houses for a symbolic amount – 1 euro – to counter population decline in rural towns and villages is...
(Editor’s note: This post has been updated with new information about Costco’s plans for the United Kingdom, Spain and Sweden.) This is good...
(Editor’s note: This post about living in Eindhoven is part of our Tech Tuesday series. Dispatches covers tech because Europe’s economies depend...