(Editor’s note: Terry Boyd also contributed to this post about the Cologne Christmas markets.) Germany has cornered the market, literally, on the...
Piran, one of Slovenia’s three coastal towns is well worth a visit, as I discovered this September. As a year-round destination it...
(Editor’s note: This is Pt. 3 of three-part series. Netherlands-based travel writer photographer documented her adventures in Norway with her expat motorcycle touring...
(Editor’s note: This is Pt. 2 of three installments. Netherlands-based travel writer photographer documented her trip to Norway with her expat motorcycle...
(Editor’s note: This is Pt. 1 of a multipart travel post on Norway. You can jump to Pt. 2 here.) Anyone who...
Munich is one of my favorite European cities and one I return to again and again. Whether your visit is timed to...
My husband decided last summer that he would splash out on a new car, and with the ongoing climate change concerns, decided...