Dispatches’ raison d’etre is based on the belief – nay, the certainty – that Europe has sufficient educational infrastructure and talent to someday...
It’s getting more and more difficult to keep up with startup events across Europe, because they seem to be multiplying like bunnies....
Techpats living in Europe … are you in the right place at the right time; 2016 is going to be a huge...
(Editor’s note: This was originally posted on LinkedIn. It’s reposted here with the permission of the author.) BY BRYNNE HERBERT, founder and...
London-based Barclays Bank smells money … money in the form of the maker space culture of shared space and tech expertise, and...
You know Europe is getting serious about creating its own Silicon Valley when Brussels’ policymakers turn to crowdsourcing innovation ideas. European Commission...
In the tradition of Wayne Gretsky, Dispatches is skating to where the digital puck will be, not where it is now. We...