(Editor’s note: Steve Kaufman and Terry Boyd contributed to this post. Forgive us as we indulge in a little post hoc, ergo...
(Editor’s note: This was originally posted in March. But with the United Kingdom’s Brexit vote on Friday, 24 June, this post suddenly became...
As an American, I can’t emphasized how gobsmacked I am by the Brexit vote. From the expat perspective, I just thought Brits...
Whether you’re just dealing with your daily commute or planning a big train adventure, you could be in for a nasty surprise,...
We at Dispatches write disproportionally about the Netherlands, mostly because we’re based here. But there’s another reason. Every time we turn around,...
It’s fun sometimes to see what other digital news sites are doing. EU-Startups.com just released its annual list of startup centers in...
For American expatriates in Europe, one of the most fundamental financial decisions turns out to be one of the most challenging problems....