
Female Founders & Investors Networking Dinner: Paris has a new community-driven event for women in business and VC

(Editor’s note: This post about a new female founders and investment network is from a media release submitted by the organization. Dispatches received no fee. We cover tech because so many of our highly skilled internationals are founders. If you want coverage of your organization, please submit details to: [email protected])

During VivaTech 2024 in Paris, Thousand Faces, Women in AI and Dataconomy held a side event, The Female Founders & Investors Networking Dinner. This invite-only gathering brought together influential female founders, investors and seasoned tech professionals, connecting with like-minded individuals while celebrating diversity and empowerment in tech.

The event was for all invited participants, allowing guests to join business conversations and lively discussions with partners.

It was important to gather solely women from both sides, including VCs and founders.

Female businesses require support and additional financing for development.

Female founders rising

Women entrepreneurs and co-founders secured nearly one-quarter (22.8 percent) of all VC money last year, up from 18.7 percent in 2022. By deal count, women founders secured about the same percentage of the VC deals as in 2022, at a little over 26 percent.

Thousand Faces, Women in AI and Dataconomy have managed to unite women who are striving to realize themselves in business and the field of AI. Only 20 percent of technical staff members at major machine learning businesses are women.

The situation is even more challenging in the field of AI, where only 12 percent of researchers are women. Dr. Léa El Samarji, Women in AI France ambassador, stressed the importance of having more women in business and areas of AI. Samarji believes in the power of mutual support, caring, and sharing to bring awareness by inspiring and educating the next generations. The ladies should feel their significance in the development of global business.

According to Moojan Asghari, founder of Thousand Faces, the necessary support and investment in female projects allow women to reach their full potential and rise to prominence as startupers, investors and seasoned professionals in their industries. The status quo is that female investors are leaving the industry because of the toxic environment and male domination inside it.

Elena Poughia, managing director at Dataconomy, highlighted the company’s mission to report on promising and successful startups that require support. Poughia emphasized the power of community and the need for unity. Moreover, the event guests received highly qualified consultations from company specialists to strengthen their position in developing business.

Investing in women a moral imperative

Investing in women is both a matter of social freedom and economic necessity. It addresses a human rights issue, as international financial and economic institutions often perpetuate gender inequality. Overcoming these obstacles requires monetary resources to create a society where every woman can exercise her rights and achieve prosperity.

“Studies prove that you have 13 times more chance to fundraise when you get a warm introduction versus when you throw a cold email – while in the meantime, women tend to feel excluded from some spheres as networking events used to mainly be «boys club,” said Natacha Brami, VC Investor at Sistafund

Having the possibility to bring together women and create a safe space where they feel free enough to ask questions, share their experiences, and learn together is such an important thing to foster in the future, Brami added.

“This first event was really a success, proving that there is need and a will to foster those gatherings,” she said.

Female Founders & Investors Networking Dinners facilitate this by allowing women to share inspiration and useful insights, fostering a powerful community. They are perfect opportunities for women to gain valuable information and meet potential colleagues. Orrick, a global law firm, and XRPL Commons led events as two main partners.

The next events will take place in Dubai, Copenhagen, and Lisbon.

“It was a very interesting event with well-chosen guests. I was able to exchange ideas with a lot of women entrepreneurs and investors, and talk about subjects such as the place of AI in our businesses, fundraising, business development, etc.,” said Caroline Span, co-founder & COO at Welcome Account. “It felt like the start of an adventure and the creation of a community, and I was delighted to be part of it.”

About the organizers

• Thousand Faces supports impact-driven female entrepreneurs by connecting them with networks and funding, regardless of location. They believe that investing in women can create a more prosperous and sustainable society benefiting both people and the environment. Their open, cooperative ecosystem promotes ambitious business owners while ensuring responsibility, transparency, and equity in funding allocation and use.

• Women in AI is a community founded on sharing, caring, and mutual support to raise awareness, motivate, and educate future generations. This influential volunteer group significantly improves the representation of minorities and women in AI. They launch initiatives to educate young women aspiring to join the AI field, providing greater access to educational materials to build confidence and expertise. Regular webinars cover current business trends and directions for further development, enhancing women’s knowledge of the investing process.

• Dataconomy is a leading media for news, events, and expert opinion. Founded in Berlin, a hub for data science innovation, Dataconomy provides a global network of industry-renowned contributors and local communities across Europe. They focus on both industry giants and disruptive startups, highlighting the most interesting applications of data technology.

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